BorgWarner eMobility Poland
Od ponad wieku zajmujemy się projektowaniem i produkcją systemów, które definiują sposób, w jaki się poruszamy. Dziś, wraz z najlepszymi na świecie technologami, inżynierami i producentami OEM, przyspieszamy przejście świata na e-mobilność.
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Career Scam Disclaimer: BorgWarner makes no representations or guarantees regarding employment opportunities listed on any third-party website. To protect against career scams, job applicants should take the necessary precautions when interviewing for and accepting employment positions allegedly offered by BorgWarner. Applicants should never provide their Social Security numbers, birth dates, credit card numbers, bank account information or other private information when communicating with prospective employers or responding to employment opportunities online. Job applicants are invited to contact BorgWarner through BorgWarner’s website to verify the authenticity of any employment opportunities.
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