Social Media Specialist

Social Media Specialist

7 000 - 9 000 PLNNetto miesięcznie - B2B
6 000 - 8 000 PLNBrutto miesięcznie - UoP
Rodzaj pracy
Pełny etat
Forma zatrudnienia
UoP, B2B
Tryb pracy
Praca hybrydowa

Wymagane umiejętności

social media



język angielski

Opis stanowiska

Rekrutacja zdalna
Friendly offer

💥Who we are?

Hi, we’re: Justyna, Kasia, Paulina, Ala, Eliza, Walerka, Ola, Michał, Magda, Marcelina, Agata and Piotrek - we’re the marketing team at BRAND24 and we’re looking for someone who’ll help us grow. 

BRAND24 is a SaaS company with 4000+ clients from 154 countries around the world, so the main language of our marketing communications is English. But we’re based in Wrocław and Warsaw. And if we need or prefer, we work remotely from all sorts of places in reasonably located time zones.

Our product helps to find brand mentions and turn them into actionable insights. Anytime a company gets mentioned on social, news, blogs, videos or podcasts – our tool will let you know. It’s also pretty smart in terms of interpreting those mentions and giving marketers really useful tips. Go ahead and try it before the interview - we’d love to know what you think!

🧝🏻Who are we looking for?

A Social Media geek, who will take our communication to a different level! B2B, SaaS scene tends to be a tough crowd, so it would be great if you already have experience in it, but we believe that our marketing niche has a great potential to introduce crazy, unconventional, human-centered communication. If you have proven experience in building a global brand, community or social media lead-gen funnels, we’d love to talk!

🎯Things you’ll do:

  • Get to know our product and audience - their needs, problems and language;
  • Create content for our Social Media channels: Tiktok, Linkedin, Instagram, Facebook, X and whatever the world will come up with;
  • Creating your own designs and videos OR collaborating with specialists that will turn your ideas into gold;
  • Responding to DMs and comments on all social media platforms (there’re not that many to be honest);
  • Building a living community that will actually start talking to us!
  • Participating in events that are worth real-time mentioning (majority of them happens in our office in Wrocław);
  • Introduce whatever strategy, channel or idea you’ll have!

💡Things you’ll need:

  • 2-3 years of experience in delivering A-level social media communication for a global brand in B2B/Tech/SaaS industry (examples of your results are more than welcome);
  • Great English - C1 is a perfect starting point;
  • Perfect understanding of all the Social Media panels and algorithms;
  • Knowing basic stack like Canva, Figma, CupCut or similar;
  • Ability to deliver original, smart, and funny content in written, visual and video formats;
  • Great understanding of the marketing world with all the trends, tactics and buzz words. Yes, including AI 😉
  • A BRAND24 premium account, you need to buy one right now!
  • Just joking, you’ll get it for free. But you’ll need to use it. No great content ideas come without great product experience.

🎁Things you’ll get:

  • A product that is genuinely loved by users! Check out what they say about us 😉
  • A remote work culture with comfortable office in Wrocław where you can create stories including real people and professional studio;
  • A tone of trust and flexibility to introduce your own ideas and daily schedule;
  • All the “basic stuff” like healthcare and benefit system, budget for selfdevelopment and conferences, access to all the knowledge sources, communities and industry experts to learn from;
  • A super smart, creative and kind team that will inspire, motivate and support you with your goals;
7 000 - 9 000 PLN

Netto miesięcznie - B2B

6 000 - 8 000 PLN

Brutto miesięcznie - UoP

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