W sercu każdej wyjątkowej zmiany jest wyjątkowy człowiek. Każdego dnia nasi pracownicy dokonują niesamowitych rzeczy, pracując razem, aby realizować nasz wspólny cel - spełnić obietnicę technologii i ludzkiej pomysłowości. Zostań częścią naszego zespołu - przynieś swoje pomysły, pomysłowość i determinację do wprowadzania zmian, a rozwiążemy niektóre z największych wyzwań świata. Na całym świecie współpracujemy z wyjątkowymi ludźmi, najnowszą i najlepszą technologią oraz wiodącymi firmami z różnych branż, aby tworzyć wartość dla naszych klientów, ludzi i społeczności. Wybierz karierę z nami i razem twórzmy pozytywne, długotrwałe wartości.
Accenture is a leading global professional services company that helps the world’s leading businesses, governments and other organizations build their digital core, optimize their operations, accelerate revenue growth and enhance citizen services. We offer solutions and assets across Strategy & Consulting, Technology, Operations, Industry X and Accenture Song. In Poland Accenture has offices in Warsaw, Kraków, Gdańsk, Łódź, Wrocław and Katowice. They employ more than 8,600 staff. To learn more visit our website:
Accenture Operations helps clients achieve new value and productivity from their business processes by applying analytics, process acumen and industry expertise to the transactional data and processes we manage and operate on our clients’ behalf.
With all our roles, there is some in-person time for collaboration, learning and building relationships with clients, peers, leaders, and communities. As an employer, we will be as flexible as possible to support your specific work/life needs.
Accenture does not discriminate employment candidates on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, age, disability, national origin, political beliefs, trade union membership, ethnicity, denomination, sexual orientation or any other basis impermissible under Polish law. All our leaders are committed to building a better, stronger and more durable company for future generations to create positive, long-lasting change. Inclusion and diversity are fundamental to our culture and core values. Our rich diversity makes us more innovative and creative, which helps us better serve our clients and our communities. Our position as partner to many of the world’s leading businesses, organizations and governments affords us both an extraordinary opportunity and a tremendous responsibility to make a difference. Sustainability is one of our greatest responsibilities, which we embed.
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